The Wicked Opportunities Podcast

Sense Making: Actively Looking for Patterns and Stories About the Future

The Futures School Season 13 Episode 9

You want a story? Ok, “Once upon a time, there were two crazy but incredibly smart podcast hosts who loved to talk about the future…” Oh, you want us to help you find the stories all around you? Well, why didn’t you say so? We love to empower people to look for the puzzle pieces, the interconnections, and the patterns that make up the stories that are actually shaping our realities. This is what is meant by sense-making - the critical skill of structuring the unknown, engaging with diverse lived experiences, and understanding our perception of the things we experience. Join Yvette and Frank as they explore the topic of climate change to demonstrate how we can deepen and broaden our stories about the world by becoming better sense-makers and how this IDG trait can unlock our inner futurists. Who knows, they might even throw in a short story of their own for good measure. (Don’t they always?)